
What is discipleship?

Two thousand years ago, Jesus walked up to a handful of men and said, “Follow me.” They were ordinary people like you and me, they had jobs, families, hobbies, and social lives, yet they recognised the significance and importance of this invitation to follow. 

The word disciple refers to a student or apprentice. Disciples in Jesus’s day would follow their rabbi (which means teacher) wherever he went, learning from the rabbi’s teaching and being trained to do as the rabbi did. Basically, a disciple is a follower. And that call to follow Jesus is as true today as it was back then.

We highly value discipleship at Cap City and love to provide environments where people can gather, discover and grow together mid-week. At Cap City we call these discipleship environments 'Lounges'.

What is the Lounge?

Based in homes across Cardiff, our Lounges are held on Thursday evenings on a fortnightly basis between 7:30pm and 9:30pm. We are all about creating spaces where we can dwell, discover and develop as disciples together.

Dwell – The Lounge offers a smaller, more informal opportunity for friendships to form and community life to grow. We are all family at Cap City, and it’s important that we take time to invest in friendships across the church. Creating a space to gather and ‘dwell’ where great coffee (and tea) are served is a top priority. One where our key value of ‘Fellowship’ can be outworked for all those who are connected within the life of the church.

Discover – Being a part of a small group community enables us to delve deeper into the Word of God. To learn from resources, teachers and most importantly discussion with one another. We use a variety of resources to learn from, including video resources, Bible studies, books and life experience. Each Lounge has a leader to help guide conversation and encourage engagement, but ultimately we’re all about hearing and learning from one another!

Develop – We are stronger together! Living life in community gives us a perspective on ourselves, our lives and the world around us in a far more efficient way than doing life alone. We all (in some way) crave belonging, connection and relationship, and the benefits of living life alongside others is an extremely valuable experience. We develop best as people when we do life together.

  • Luke leads Lounge Llanishen with a great bunch of friends | Thursdays (fortnightly) | 7.45pm start

  • Jac and Bry lead a vibrant group of Cap City friends at their home in Pentwyn | Thursdays (fortnightly) | 7:30pm start

  • Carla leads our online Lounge for women, Tuesdays 7:45pm, every fortnight (or so!). This is a great option if:

    a) You’re female

    b) You find it hard to travel to an in-person group midweek.

Our Lounge communities are weekday gatherings for family and friends of Cap City Church. If you’re interested in joining one of our Lounge groups, get in touch!